Monday, May 29, 2017

Fourth Bean Dish Question

I'm back with another question for those Bible-believing Christians who threw their full support (and votes) to Donald Trump.

How's that bean dish tasting right now?

Does it still taste good to you?  Of course, if you happen to think that people who are in less fortunate situations are nothing more than godless moochers who deserve to be poor, then the bean dish probably tastes pretty good.  You also probably ignore the numerous Bible verses on how we should treat the poor.

Just saying.

If, however, you still have your conscience, I'm betting that you're starting to dread the taste and would just wish it was all over.

After all, when betting between a "crusading politician" and "The Swamp", it's a safe bet that the so-called crusader doesn't really care if he drains the swamp or not, and your vote for him merely served his purposes.

Just saying.

I'll ask you again later on, so that the dish has a bit of time to "ripen" even more.

Peace be unto you.

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