Saturday, December 24, 2016

Let's Not Forget The Non-Voters Here

This is a message to anyone who is upset about Donald Trump's victory, but did not actually vote in the general election itself.

Why are you upset?  If you are so apathetic that you cannot be bothered to cast  a ballot, then you should be just fine with how it all turned out.  After all, not voting is the same thing as casting a ballot for the victor.

It's not like you didn't have the time to register to vote, nor is it like you didn't have the time to educate yourself about the candidates.  This election season has been the media circus of a lifetime.  You had plenty of time to prepare for this.

We all had time to prepare for this.  It was like watching an impending train wreck in slow-motion and being unable to stop anything at all.

That's entertainment, folks!

Now, if you tell me that you didn't vote on principle, but still complain about the results of the election, then you sound little better than a whiny child.

Telling me that you didn't vote on principle is the same thing as telling me that you're too good to vote.

Give me a break.

At best, principle used in this context is an eqivocating excuse.  At best.  Actually, it's just stupid, childish, and sad.

Either vote, or don't, but if you don't, then always remember that by your inaction, you voted for Donald Trump.

Congratulations.  You succeeded - by default - and I hope that you're satisfied.

I've heard it said that if you don't vote, then you have no right to complain about the results.

I disagree.

The First Amendment  to the U.S. Constitution guarantees all United States citizens the right and freedom of speech, and that even includes the right to complain about election results even if you didn't vote.

You do not have the right to complain about it to me, however.  If you don't like how the election turned out, tell someone else.  It's as bad as listening to someone who wants a job, but doesn't consider any available job to be worth the effort.

Get over yourselves.

That's all for now.

Peace be unto you.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Ask Yourself If It Was Worth It

In  the book of Genesis, there is the tale of Jacob getting his brother Esau's birthright.  Esau was a renowned hunter, but he was also famous for his brash attitude, and had a habit of speaking -  and acting -  without a second thought.

One time, Esau came in from the hunt hungry and Jacob had made some pottage.  Esau demanded to be fed.  In return Jacob demanded Esau's birthright as a price.  Esau gave it up - without another thought - and was fed.

That was the most expensive lentil stew ever sold.

I bring that up, because a lot of Christians voted for and helped to elect Donald Trump as our next president.  They did this despite the overwhelming evidence of Trump's unfitness to even approach the office, let alone hold it.

To be bluntly honest, because of your hatred of Hillary Rodham Clinton, you sold your birthright for a bowl of pottage.

I shall be asking you Trump Christians over the next few years just how that pottage tastes.

How does it taste so far?  I'm believing that the taste won't be as good as time goes on forward.

You people did this to not just yourselves, but to the rest of us as well.  Sometimes, I wonder just how many of you are really sociopaths, despite what you claim to be - or believe.  I really do wonder.

That's all for now.

Peace be unto you.